Things I Like(d) - Issue #14: Flags 🚩
Vexillology (/ˌvɛksɪˈlɒlədʒi/) is the study of the history, symbolism and usage of flags or, by extension, any interest in flags in general. The word is a synthesis of the Latin word vexillum ("flag") and the Greek suffix -logia ("study").
A person who studies flags is a vexillologist, one who designs flags is a vexillographer, and the art of flag-designing is called vexillography. One who is a hobbyist or general admirer of flags is a vexillophile.
⚠️ Fair warning: if you're not a vexillophile yet, you're about to become one.
99% Symbolic —
Before it was re-created visually for the TED Talk ( below), there was this fascinating episode of 99% Invisible on City Flags and what makes them awesome... or not.
City Flags Are a Hot Mess. Here Are Some Beautiful Redesigns —
I'm generally not a fan of unsolicited design... though I'll always make an exception for a well-intentioned municipal flag remake.
Inside the Campaign to Redesign SF's Suck-tastic Flag —
Update: San Fransisco's flag remains suck-tastic...though if I'm honest, the design is a little endearing.
The sun rises over Milwaukee as the People's Flag is revealed —
This is how you do it. Never give up hope, friends.
For more, you should definitely check out
Also: as much as I love the winner, my vote would've been for the runner up (M-Star).
“Now I am become death…” | The Jolly Roger —
The skull and crossed bones does not mean ‘we are bringing you death’; rather it announces ‘we are the dead.’
With reflections on fear, death, and power, this piece from 2011 is a fitting one for those of you celebrating Holy Week against the backdrop of the pandemic .
The Story Behind the Extinction Symbol Showing Up at Climate Change Protests —
Technically, this article is about a "symbol" that's been put on flags...but who's keeping track really?!
☝️ Every once and a while, I'll open a file on my computer that houses numerous sketches I've done over the years while dreaming of a new flag for London...turns out, this one's already been taken by the vegans! 😢
The rationale behind "my" design saw the whole thing alluding to the forks of the river at the heart of the city and the valley the rest of it is built within.
@sascha_lobe —
Click for the animation! So good.
Do any of my London readers know if The Flag Man of Maitland Street is still flying his flags?
List of flags by color combination
A valuable resource for novice and expert alike!