Things I Like(d) - Issue #36: Happy Little Trees 🌲🌲
With our forests in full autumnal display right now, I figured I'd go out on a limb and search the archives for my favourite tree-related content from the past few years...
Ever wonder where all of Bob Ross' paintings went?
If you only have 10 minutes to click one link in this newsletter: make it this one. Trust me.
Terrence Malick's "Tree of Life"
If you only have 186 minutes to click one link in this newsletter: make it this one. Watching Malick's 2011 masterpiece, I "felt" much more than I "understood" and am still—9 years later—trying to figure out how it changed me.
Split Grain's sculpture
Paul Foeckler's sectioned tree sculpture here reminds me a lot of Damien Hirst's "The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living"... just with less shark.
The Trees' songs
I haven't read the book this article surrounds (yet), but I am now deeply interested in what sort of songs the trees around me are singing. This is fascinating stuff.
KVL's "Official Passport to the Trees of the Carolinian Forest"
A few years ago, my friend Kevin Van Lieorop (the Kevin Van Lierop) created this guide to London's (in)famous metal trees. Was the passport actually official? Yeah. Of course it was.
Benjamin Graindorge's "Fallen Tree Bench"
Sure, the transition from raw to processed is gorgeous, but it's the question this piece asks about our relationship with nature that makes me want to sit down and look at the world differently for a while.
Brock Davis' "Crayon Tree"
“The sculpture is already complete within the [crayon], before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material.”