Things I Like(d) - Issue #7: Getting Things Done ✅
Issue #7: Getting Things Done ✅
If there's one thing I've learned after reading countless articles about productivity, it's this: you don't need another list telling you how to get things done—you just need to give your tasks the attention they deserve
So, acknowledging the (click)bait-and-switch, here's a few articles from the archives focused on your focus!
When Solving Problems, Think About What You Could Do, Not What You Should Do "Should" traps us into searching for that one right answer, while "could" opens our minds to creative possibilities.
To Come Up with a Good Idea, Start by Imagining the Worst Idea Possible
It's opposite day!
Japan’s unusual way to view the world
"Wabi-sabi...encapsulates a more relaxed acceptance of transience, nature and melancholy, favouring the imperfect and incomplete in everything..."
A Disciplined Way To Deal With Email
Hint: keep them to three sentences max.
Man Watches Video About Habits Of Effective Artists So He Too Can Be Effective Artist
SEATTLE—Hoping to pick up a few tips on “maximizing his creative toolkit,” local poet Ian Kelly, 31, was reportedly watching a video about the habits of effective artists Thursday so that he, too, could be an effective artist...
Next Week: Sing-along songs 🗣️